Live a exceptional tattoo work-on-hands experience in our professional academy.
We provide the unique learning by doing method where you’ll discover all the key concepts to build your own tattoo artist carrer.
Join our 1 Month Professional Tattoo Artist Master
Become a specialist with this 1 month profesional master working closely with our tattoo artists in Ganga Tattoo Studio
1 Month - On Site
Join our Professional Tattoo Artist 1 Week Course
Initiate your Experience with this Profesional Course Working Closely With Our Tattoo Artists in Ganga Tattoo Studio
1 Week - On Site
Learn with the best artists in a special space
- Schedule:
10:00 a 14:00 - Hours
10h Teóricas y 70 prácticas - Technique:
Realism, color, watercolor, pointillism, strokes ... - Practice:
Design, transfer, table preparation, line, shadow, fill, color, composition. - Teacher:
Zeus Gris - Bonus:
5 Masterclass of the best tattoo artists in the studio, where they will explain some of their tattoos and their technique. - Bonus
Basic hygienic-sanitary training and education - Briefcase:
organization briefcase, Art Driver - S machine, EZ grip, AVA wireless power supply, EZ needle pack, inks, cups, Vaseline, blades, gloves, depressants ... - Includes:
Diploma, Ganga Tattoo briefcase, necessary material for the practices, (synthetic leather, gloves, film, stencil, etc,)
- Schedule:
10:00 a 15:00 - Hours
5h Theory - 20h Practice - Technique:
Realism, color, watercolor, pointillism, strokes ... - Practice:
Design, transfer, table preparation, line, shadow, fill, color, composition. - Teacher:
Zeus Gris - Bonus:
5 Masterclass of the best tattoo artists in the studio, where they will explain some of their tattoos and their technique. - Bonus
Basic hygienic-sanitary training and education - Briefcase:
organization briefcase, Art Driver - S machine, EZ grip, AVA wireless power supply, EZ needle pack, inks, cups, Vaseline, blades, gloves, depressants ... - Includes:
Diploma, Ganga Tattoo briefcase, necessary material for the practices, (synthetic leather, gloves, film, stencil, etc,)